Sitemap - 2023 - unintended consequences

Happy 50th, ESA

Pocahontas, remembered

Good Samaritans and the Law

For the love of chocolate.

Violent crime -- is it up ?

Turkey Talk

The First Thanksgiving --- or was it?

She's a witch!

The Awesome Opossum

Fortune telling.

When Marriage is a Genocidal Policy

Indian Country turns Against Itself

Can the Red Wolf survive the U.S. Dept of Interior?

Ever wonder what happens to public servants who perform poorly or unethically?

The Law of Trees

Manatees Survive

The "next" virus.


Resistance is futile.

FMSCA -- who?

Xenobots. A New Life Form.

Biolabs, Biosecurity & Law

Chinese BioLabs in America?

Space Biocontamination--the Risk is not Zero

Invasion of the “Biologics”

Environmental Refugees

Is famine an unintended consequence of biotech’s crop abundance?

Can seed banks save us?

Indigenous America, Underwater

Water for First Americans?

Coffee and Tropical Rain Forests, Today

Coffee and Tropical Rain Forests

Native America's Children

Kiwi birds, Harambe and Elephants

Red wolves

Will the Constitution protect us from Artificial Intelligence?

How Native America influenced American History

The loss of occupations and identity in a jobless world

Bison, our national mammal deserves protection

The end of the COVID-19 emergency

A Sacred Site Saved -- for now

Earth Day 1971

That hand is not the color of yours.

Bald eagles

Doctrine of Discovery

Slavery Law Today

Blood Gold and the Yanomami

Audio: The (Non-)Law of Human Gene Editing

The (Non-)Law of Human Gene Editing

The U.S., Sovereignty and the Pandemic Treaty

Litigation against China for COVID-19

What would George Washington Do?

Environmental Damage that Keeps on Giving

Balloons and the "domain awareness gap"

China's Land Grab?

Native Americanness and the Super Soldier

Blood Batteries

Biofuels are not Green

Traditional ecological knowledge

A Criminal Offense: Ceremonies for a New Year